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5.3 The key stages of the B2C customer journey map


This occurs when the customer becomes aware of the brand. At this point, marketing’s role is to position the brand prominently through digital channels, radio, television, and other formats. This shapes the brand as the solution to a person’s unmet needs, or perhaps creates wants that the person never knew he had!


After being exposed to preliminary information about a brand or product, the customer moves to the next stage by actively seeking more information to make a good decision. The customer may peruse blogs published by the brand, subscribe to its email newsletter, or request a free trial/sample to help him narrow the options.


At this point, the customer is ready to proceed with the purchase. It is imperative for marketers to ensure the process is smooth and hassle-free.

Retention and advocacy

A brand would be unwise to focus solely on sealing the initial deal, rather than considering the post-purchase experience as well. After the sale is made, customers are likely to have ongoing needs such as repairs and upgrades, and they need to know that the brand remains responsive.  Loyalty programs are an effective, time-honored way to maintain positive relationships with customers. Additionally, a brand should keep track of repeat visits, subscription renewals, customer churn rates, and customer lifetime value estimates to gauge customer satisfaction levels and the overall health of the business.