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4.11 Survey ‘hall of shame’

Example 1:

A major US supermarket chain engaged the local community before opening a store in the area, as they wanted to demonstrate the store would benefit the neighborhood by providing jobs, tax revenue, and retail opportunities. Apart from sending a letter to residents explaining their purpose, the company also enclosed a card with the following question, “Your opinion is important to us. Please select all that apply:

  • I think [supermarket name] would be good for Soledad’s economy
  • I’d shop at a [supermarket name] in Soledad
  • I know someone who would apply for a job
  • Yes, count me as a public supporter of [supermarket name] coming to Soledad
  • Other comments”

Notice all the options listed above favored the business.  The only way someone could express displeasure with the supermarket concept is through the “Other comments” option, which requires the respondent to perform extra work.