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18.10 And Now, a Message from Our Proprietors

When we set out to write this book, our aim was to develop a resource that was substantive and informative, while still being playful and accessible to a widespread audience.  If you have found our content landing in the “sweet spot” where depth and clarity intersect, then it means that we’ve hit you in the way that we intended to.  If you found that we landed outside that zone – in either direction – please let us know.  The primarily online format of this book makes it easy to update, and our favorite edition of this book is the next one.  

We wish you all the best in your analytics careers, wherever they may take you.  Please stay in touch with us, and let us know about your journeys.  To paraphrase one of our favorite Chinese proverbs (桃李满天下, lit. “peaches and plums all over the world”), we look forward to being able to say that there are students of Lobster Land in all corners of the globe!  

To any readers who caught the “Lobster Land spirit” along the way, we hope that it always stays with you.  Stay curious, stay engaged, and keep your eyes open to all the opportunities around you – sometimes, you never know when something good might happen.