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17.8 Using LinkedIn Wisely

“Be sure to use LinkedIn” is another one of the most common bits of advice that job seekers hear.  But what does that mean?  How should job hunters use it?  Just setting up a basic LinkedIn profile is a start, but it’s not enough.  Just posting your basic info, sending a bunch of connection requests, and hoping something great will happen on its own is definitely not enough.  

LinkedIn provides you with a phenomenal amount of information regarding jobs and companies.  You can use this to help you build your own career map.  You can start with your near-term goal in mind – what city would you like to work in, and what would be your ideal role?  

Use the search feature on LinkedIn to find profiles of people who are in such positions now.  What was their path?  What credentials and certifications do they have?  What sorts of technical skills are they emphasizing?  Who are their peers inside the company, and what paths did they take?  

To really maximize the potential benefit of LinkedIn, you should be even more proactive.  Can you find profiles of people working in analytics, in your dream city, who share something in common with you, such as the same hometown, same undergraduate school, or some other common experiences?  If so, send them a message and ask to chat.  You can be direct without appearing needy or transactional – you can state upfront that you hope to break into the analytics field, and want to hear about their story and how they got where they are.